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free Financial Analysis courses

Financial Analysis courses

Learn Financial Analysis with the following free courses and tutorials. Chosen and upvoted by our community. Do you know other free Financial Analysis courses that should be listed here? Add them to Coursearena and help others who search for it.

Free Financial Analysis courses and tutorials

Financial Analysis for Decision Making
Learn how to analyze business opportunities for their financial viability and secure funding to start and grow your business.

Financial Market Analysis
Learn the fundamentals of finance that are essential for both investors and policymakers.

Cash Flow Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis[www.edx.org]
Learn the importance of a stable and consistent cash flow.

Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis[www.edx.org]
Get introduced to the various ratios used for corporate financial analysis and learn how to customize them to assess the creditworthiness of a company.

Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts & Analysis
A course on the macroeconomic accounts, their interrelationships, and the analysis of economic developments.

Introduction to Time Value of Money
Learn about Time Value of Money and how to calculate internal rate of return (IRR), present value (PV) and future value (FV).

Capital Markets and Key Participants
Learn about global financial markets, including the structure and types of capital markets, and how to identify key participants and their impact on the market.

Projections and Structuring
Learn how to prepare financial projections and structure new debt or loans.

Data Science: Probability
Gain important foundational knowledge in probability theory, essential for a data scientist, as you learn key concepts using a case study on the financial crisis of 2007–2008.

The Free Cash Flow Method for Firm Valuation
Learn how to use the free cash flow method for firm valuation and how to compute and project free cash flows.

Introduction to Money Markets
Learn about the main product categories and pricing conventions within the Money Market sector using real-world scenarios.

Understanding Financial Statements
Understanding Financial Statements[www.futurelearn.com]
Learn how to make better business decisions with financial information.

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