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free Data Mining courses

Data Mining courses

Learn Data Mining with the following free courses and tutorials. Chosen and upvoted by our community. Do you know other free Data Mining courses that should be listed here? Add them to Coursearena and help others who search for it.

Free Data Mining courses and tutorials

More Data Mining with Weka
More Data Mining with Weka[www.futurelearn.com]
Learn more about practical data mining, including how to deal with large data sets. Use advanced techniques to mine your own data.

Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
In this course, we introduce the characteristics of medical data and associated data mining challenges on dealing with such data. We cover various algorithms and systems.

Data Mining with Weka
Data Mining with Weka[www.futurelearn.com]
Discover practical data mining and learn to mine your own data using the popular Weka workbench.

Advanced Data Mining with Weka
Advanced Data Mining with Weka[www.futurelearn.com]
Learn how to use popular packages that extend Weka's functionality and areas of application. Use them to mine your own data!

Data Mining Tips & Tricks from our community

We don't have any tips and tricks for this topic yet. Do you have any? We would love to hear about it. Sign up!
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