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Data Science courses

Learn Data Science with the following free courses and tutorials. Chosen and upvoted by our community. Do you know other free Data Science courses that should be listed here? Add them to Coursearena and help others who search for it.

Free Data Science courses and tutorials

Data Science: Visualization
Learn basic data visualization principles and how to apply them using ggplot2.

Introduction to Genomic Data Science
Join us on the frontier of bioinformatics and learn how to look for hidden messages in DNA without ever needing to put on a lab coat.

Introduction to R for Data Science
Introduction to R for Data Science[www.futurelearn.com]
Discover big data: work with airline data to learn the fundamentals of the R platform.

Data Science: Linear Regression
Learn how to use R to implement linear regression, one of the most common statistical modeling approaches used in data science.

Data Science: Machine Learning
Learn the basics of machine learning, the science behind the most popular and successful data science techniques, to build a movie recommendation system.

Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics
Learn how statistics plays a central role in the data science approach.

Foundations of Data Science: Inferential Thinking by Resampling
Learn how to use inferential thinking to make conclusions about unknowns based on data in random samples.

Data Science Interview Prep
Data Science Interview Prep[www.udacity.com]
Prepare for data science interviews by practicing data analysis, machine learning, and data structure and algorithms questions.

Foundations of Data Science: Prediction and Machine Learning
Learn how to use machine learning, with a focus on regression and classification, to automatically identify patterns in your data and make better predictions.

Data to Insight: An Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualisation
A hands-on introduction emphasizing key ideas, computer software and statistical thinking.

Data Science: Wrangling
Learn an indispensable part of data science known as data wrangling, a process that involves converting raw data to formats needed for further analysis.

Data Science: R Basics
Data Science: R Basics[www.edx.org]
Build a foundation in R and learn how to wrangle, analyze, and visualize data. This course covers common programming commands, how to operate on vectors, and when to use advanced functions such as sorting.

Data Science: Productivity Tools
Data science projects involve keeping track of many data files and analysis scripts. Learn GitHub, git, Unix/Linux and RStudio to keep your projects organized and produce reproducible reports.

Principles, Statistical and Computational Tools for Reproducible Data Science
Learn skills and tools that support data science and reproducible research, to ensure you can trust your own research results, reproduce them yourself, and communicate them to others.

Data Science: Inference and Modeling
Learn inference and modeling: two of the most widely used statistical tools in data analysis.

Ethics and Law in Data and Analytics
Analytics and AI are powerful tools that have real-word outcomes. Learn how to apply practical, ethical, and legal constructs and scenarios so that you can be an effective analytics professional.

Data Science for Environmental Modelling and Renewables
Learn how data science can help us understand our environment and try the tools used by statisticians and data scientists.

Introduction to Data Science
Get started on your Data Science journey.

Data Science in the Games Industry
Data Science in the Games Industry[www.futurelearn.com]
Learn how the games industry can use big data to enhance the gaming experience and increase profits.

Data Science Research Methods: Python Edition
Get hands-on experience with the science and research aspects of data science work, from setting up a proper data study to making valid claims and inferences from data experiments.

Analytics for Decision Making
Discover the foundational concepts that support modern data science and learn to analyze various data types and quality to make smart business decisions.

Foundations of Data Science: Computational Thinking with Python
Learn the basics of computational thinking, an essential skill in today’s data-driven world, using the popular programming language, Python.

Intro to Data Science
Intro to Data Science[www.udacity.com]
What does a data scientist do? In this course, we will survey the main topics in data science so you can understand the skills that are needed to become a data scientist!

Programming for Data Science
Learn how to apply fundamental programming concepts, computational thinking and data analysis techniques to solve real-world data science problems.

Data Analysis with R
Data Analysis with R[www.udacity.com]
Data is everywhere and so much of it is unexplored. Learn how to investigate and summarize data sets using R and eventually create your own analysis.

Data Science Research Methods: R Edition
Get hands-on experience with the science and research aspects of data science work, from setting up a proper data study to making valid claims and inferences from data experiments.

Data Science for Healthcare: Using Real World Evidence
Discover the importance of real world evidence (RWE) and learn how it can be used in healthcare.

First Steps in Data Science with Google Analytics: Bridging Business to Technical Experts
Get started in data science by learning how to use Google Analytics to analyse user behaviour and website performance.

Data Science Tips & Tricks from our community

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