Measuring and Valuing Health
How do we decide which drugs and treatments to fund?
Healthcare systems around the world are increasingly under pressure to fund drugs, treatments and other healthcare interventions.
On this course, you’ll learn how health outcome measures can help us to make more informed decisions about where to spend our limited healthcare budgets.
You can continue to learn about healthcare decision-making with our next course Health Technology Assessment (HTA): Choosing Which Treatments Get Funded.
This course will help you understand how and why choices about drugs and treatments have been made. It may inspire you to think about a career in healthcare, local decision making or academia.
You may even wish to take your learning further, with the University of Sheffield’s Masters degrees and short courses in areas such as health economics, public health and international healthcare technology assessment.
You can find out more about this subject in Dr Katherine Stevens’ post for the FutureLearn blog: “How do we make decisions in healthcare about which drugs and treatments to fund?”
3 hours/week
Katherine Stevens
The University of Sheffield