Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits
Learn about economic tools to become a successful social entrepreneur.
Nonprofit organizations operate globally in many areas. They address societal issues in fields like health, culture and arts, environment, education and research. With their work, they make a significant contribution to sustainable social and ecological development. This course provides you with the economic tools and knowledge that are needed to become a successful social entrepreneur. It gives you an introduction to the topics that need to be addressed in order to make informed decisions in nonprofits, and it asks to look upon your own practice in order to critically reflect your learnings.
This course is intended for anyone interested in the topics of social entrepreneurship and dedicated people who want to work in the nonprofit sector. You don’t need prior knowledge of the economic tools that are needed to apply entrepreneurship in nonprofits - it addresses non-professionals as well as NPO executives and employees and students of economics and management at BA and MA level.
4 hours/week
Georg von Schnurbein
University of Basel