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free SQL tutorials

SQL tutorials

Learn SQL with the following free courses and tutorials. Chosen and upvoted by our community. Do you know other free SQL courses that should be listed here? Add them to Coursearena and help others who search for it.

Free SQL courses and tutorials

Securing Data in Azure and SQL Server
Learn the latest processes for keeping data secure in Azure and SQL Server.

Optimizing Performance for SQL Based Applications
Learn the key points required to tune and optimize the performance of your SQL based applications.

Provisioning Databases in Azure and SQL Server
Learn how to install or provision SQL Server 2016, SQL Server v.Next on Linux, and Azure SQL Databases.

Intro to Relational Databases
Relational databases are a powerful tool used throughout the industry. Learn the basics of SQL and how to connect your Python code to a relational database.

Querying Data with Transact-SQL
From querying and modifying data in SQL Server or Azure SQL to programming with Transact-SQL, learn essential skills that employers need.

Developing SQL Databases
Learn the technologies and features needed to create and design SQL databases, including how to implement SQL views, indexes and tables.

SQL for Data Analysis
SQL for Data Analysis[www.udacity.com]
Learn to use Structured Query Language (SQL) to extract and analyze data stored in databases

SQL Tips & Tricks from our community

We don't have any tips and tricks for this topic yet. Do you have any? We would love to hear about it. Sign up!
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