Self-learning courses
Learn about self-learning with the following free courses and tutorials. Chosen and upvoted by our community. Do you know other free self-learning courses that should be listed here? Add them to Coursearena and help others who search for it.
Free Self-learning courses and tutorials
Learning Online: Searching and Researching[]
Improve your online research skills and your ability to critically analyse sources of information.
Learning Online: Managing Your Identity[]
Reflect on how you want to present yourself online and take positive steps towards these goals.
How to Become an Online Learner[]
This MOOC enables you to take your first step towards becoming a successful student. It will cover the special challenges of online learning, motivational issues, learning techniques and useful tips on how to get support from your online community.
Learning Online: Reflecting and Sharing[]
Get the most out of online learning by reflecting and sharing your learning with others.
Learning Online: Learning and Collaborating[]
Become an effective online learner and develop your online communication skills when working with others.
Becoming an Expert Learner[]
This course will explore the diversity of intelligences and help the student to identify their own. Students will also explore study and note-taking methods and techniques to support a variety of learners, helping each to become an expert learner.
Study Skills for International Students[]
A course looking at key skills that international students need in order to be successful at a UK university.
Get Started with Online Learning[]
This free online course will explain how you can study online without putting the rest of your life on hold.
Self-learning Tips & Tricks from our community
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