Food as Medicine: Food and Inflammation
Learn how to answer questions related to inflammation and disease, and food
On this course, designed specially for healthcare professionals, get an introduction to current evidence surrounding the impact of nutrition and foods on development and treatment of chronic low-grade inflammation, and potential subsequent disease development
Designed by experts in food, nutrition and genetics from Monash University, and featuring input from General Practitioners and nurses this course will give you up to date information on inflammation and health, and help you to help your patients incorporate foods with potential anti-inflammatory properties into their diet.
Places in this course are limited to 100, so please register early to avoid disappointment.
This course has been designed for healthcare professionals, specifically medical specialists, general practitioners and nurses.
However, the course may be of benefit to healthcare professionals such as dietitians and nutritionists with a background in nutrition, who may like a ‘refresher’ in this area of study.
You should have a good knowledge of science, medicine and healthcare practice.
This course is recognised by:
- Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP): this activity has been approved/allocated 40 Category 1 points by the RACGP QI&CPD Program in the 2017 – 19 triennium.
In order to meet the RACGP QI&CPD Program requirements to receive 40 Category 1 points, RACGP members must complete all parts of this course, including the reinforcing activity.
Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA): this activity has been endorsed by APNA according to approved quality standards criteria. Completion of this educational activity entitles eligible participants to claim 6 CPD hours.
British Dietetic Association (BDA): endorsement applies only to the educational content of the learning activity.
Association for Nutrition (AfN): endorsed for CPD. Registered Nutritionists can work with acutely-ill patients only under the close supervision of a Dietitian or other regulated health professional.
If you have any questions on the course, its accreditation/endorsement or how it may relate to your professional healthcare practice we encourage you to email your questions to [email protected]
4 hours/week
Aimee Dordevic
Monash University